Sunday, November 07, 2010

Alternative PMPs - The Day My iPod Died

I just found out that my 4th Generation iPod Nano died.

While I felt a tinge of sadness but I think now is the time to find an underdog when it comes to Portable Music Players (PMP).

Here are some brands that I found out as an alternative to the Apple iPod as being the best in its class.





I am thinking the following features should be available in search of that PMP:

  • Full video, picture, audio support on both proprietary and open alternative formats
  • MTP support on most sync software found in both Windows and Linux,
  • 24 hours battery life when in continuous playing mode
  • USB and WiFi support for synching data and installation of apps (latter could be waived)
  • Small and thin form factor
  • Digital recording function 
  • Support for 3.5 mm connectors
So far, Creative is on top of my list. I have yet to explore which models are fit  for my needs. I'll have to research a bit more and get some ideas. It looks like I'll be thinking more during trips than just let wind vibrations distract and capture the attention of my brain!

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